It is obvious that people judge others based upon appearance. Your smile being one of the most critical components to an aesthetic presentation. Thus, I find it difficult to write about cosmetic dentistry as if it’s an option. The reason being that everything in dentistry must be esthetically driven.
Having served on the faculty of Lux for over a decade, the Brigham and Women’s Hospital prior, I have seen patients from all over the globe. Globalization has created a perception for an ideal smile. With few geographic variations.
In general, a pleasing smile is symmetrical and of a light shade. I dare to say a shade closer to white. There are expectations for the morphology for the front dentition. The position of the midline and other key landmarks being critical. Finally, I consider the shape, size and color of the lips fundamental to an appealing smile. This is how the brain interprets a beauty.
The degree of variations acceptable by any individual is personal. At Lux Dental, our philosophy is to serve as translators. We listen to our patients concerns and desires, and then interpret them into actionable treatment. The key is personalization. From complicated veneer, whitening, Invisalign, botox and dermal fillers, to a simple composite restoration, we have delivered tailored cosmetic care.
Our case study here is that of a young male with history of trauma to his front dentition. His wedding is coming up in a few weeks. We asked him what bothers him? What would make him happy? What was his timeline? Budget?
His chief concern is the appearance of the two front teeth, and the color of his overall dentition. After discussing all options, the pros and cons, we went ahead with in office whitening and two Zirconium crowns. The effects were spectacular, because it satisfied his needs. This is a relatively simple treatment that embodies the values of cosmetic dentistry. It fulfilled the patient’s requirement and desire.
If you or your family member needs cosmetic care, schedule an appointment, lets talk.
Dr. Abdul Abdulwaheed serves as the Chief of Oral Rehabilitation at Lux Dental. He was recently voted Top Cosmetic Dentist by Boston Magazine. Receiving his training at numerous intuitions, including Harvard and Tufts University.tion.